Assassins - Ultimate CD Games Collection 4
Assassins 4 (1999)(Weird Science).iso
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>>> MAYHEM 2 <<<
Devised and written by Mark Green 1993
using AMOS v1.3 and Compiler
Legal Stuff
This game and all the files on the disk that are associated with the
game can be copied and distributed at will, as long as they are not
tampered with in any way. If I find any fiddled-around-with copies of
Mayhem circulating around the PD circuit or anywhere else, I will be
VERY annoyed, and may kill someone.
The Game
Mayhem is a game for 2 to 4 players all at the same time - 2 on Joystick
and 2 on keys. I should point out that Mayhem is really designed as a 3
or 4 player game - a 2 player game can be fun, but if you get all your
mates together and have a Mayhem party or something, you'll enjoy it all
the more!
Each player is competing against the others - except for the team game
which I'll explain later.
Player 1 is RED, player 2 is GREEN, player 3 is YELLOW and 4 is BLUE.
When you first start, you'll see the maze appear, with the players
scattered about at random and 8 objects also at random somewhere about.
The objects are white circles. A countdown from 5 to 0 will appear, so
everyone can see where they are and where the objects are, etc...
The point of the game is for each player to try and get all 8 objects.
To pick up an object, just go over it - it will appear underneath your
energy bar to the right of the screen. Once one player has got all the ob
jects, an exit will open at a random position in the maze. If the player
can reach it and go through it, he's won! Simple as that!
But it isn't, of course. Pressing fire causes your sprite to fire a shot
(just a white dot) in the direction you're facing, which will harm other
players. If a player gets too many hits, he will die, and be out of the
game for a certain amount of time. The best bit is that any objects he had
are scattered around near where he died, for any players near to pick up.
Once a player has spent enough time out of the game, he will be put back
at a random position.
The exit appears at a random position whenever anyone is in possession of
all the objects - and the word `MAYHEM' at the side of the screen will
change to that player's colour. If that player is killed, the exit will
close, of course, because no-one has all the objects anymore. If the exit
opens again, it will be at a different position.
Once somebody has won, a congratulations message appears, along with the
length of time the game took. MAYHEM2 is displayed in the player's colour
and a little alien appears in the player's colour too! You'll also see the
scores for each player. The scoring system works like this...
Injuring a player..+100 Killing a player..+150
Being injured.......-50 Being Killed......-100
Collecting object..+100 Opening Exit......+200
It's perfectly possible for the person first out of the exit, ie the
official winner,to get less points than the other players.Never mind, eh?
And that's basically how to play, ladies and gentlemen!
There are 4 different controls, for the four different players, and you
can select which player has which control system on the menu screen.
1) JOYSTICK 1 ... The joystick in the joystick port - ie the one you'd
normally use for games - your `best' joystick.
2) JOYSTICK 2 ... This is a joystick plugged in where the mouse would
normally go - your `crap' joystick.
3) KEYS 1 ... Q - Up, A - Down, B - Left, N - Right, SPACE - Fire
4) KEYS 2 ... ( - Up, 7 - Down, 2 - Left, 3 - Right, 0 - Fire
^^^ These keys are on the NUMERIC KEYPAD!!! ^^^
I realise this is a bit of a letdown for A600 owners, but the Amos key
scan option only seems to let certain key combinations pass by, and if
the keys were any different, certain combinations would lock-out other
keys-making it impossible to play as simply going in a certain direction
would stop you being able to fire. This same reason has prevented me from
putting a define keys option in. Sorry!
**STOP PRESS*** I have just noticed a PD utility that confuses the A600
into thinking it has got a numeric keypad - perhaps all you A600 owners
could try that? Good Luck!
So nobody get's bored, I have made many elements of the game user-
definable. These can be selected using the function keys on the menu
screen which appears between games.
Pretty obvious, I would've thought. `V' stands for Versus and
selects the team game...
In the Team Game, Red and Green work together as Team 1, and Blue
and Yellow are Team 2. Each team aims to collect the eight objects
BETWEEN them. Once this has happened, TWO exits open, and both
exits have to be occupied by both players for that team to win.
Apart from that, exactly the same conditions apply to a team game,
except that the scores appear as combined team scores at the end.
This selects how long a player will be out of the game when he has
been killed. It is in seconds. 20 seconds, the maximum, is a VERY
long time, but you might want to try it for a laff.
Pretty obvious, yes? The energy of each player is shown by the
bar in their colour next to the maze.
This chooses how many shots each player can have on screen at a
time. Shots are stopped by players (naturally), walls and trans
porters. Exits obstruct shots SOMETIMES...
Things tend to slow down horribly when there are loads of shots
on screen so if you want a fast game, choose 1 or 2.
Don't ask me why I included this. All it does is makes the exit
move to a different place every 15 seconds or so if it stays open
for a long time. It means the person with all the objects just
hangs round till the exit appears near them! Have a go with it on
anyway. You never know, you might like it!
After 15 seconds into the game, and between every 10-15 seconds
thereafter, the transporter will appear in a new place. It is a
wobbling purple diamond. Going in it simply transports you to a
new place in the maze at random.
Chooses one of the 9 mazes to play. Maze 4 is `The Arena', just a
blank maze with no walls (except the outside perimeter).
Incidentally, depending on the computer's mood, it may flip a maze
vertically, horizontally, or both, giving you a possible 4
`different' mazes from just one.
This option is disabled, mainly because the maze designer hasn't
been written yet, and there's no extra mazes on disk. See later on
for Maze Designer info.
On the right of the screen are the controls selected for each player,
the icon being in a box of each player's colour. Simply press 1,2,3 and 4
to change the controls for them. There's nothing stopping you having four
players all with the same controls, but I can't really see the point! See
the CONTROLS section above for the details on what the icons represent.
The joystick represents (uncannily enough) a joystick, while the key is
supposed to indicate `keys'.
That's all!
Thanks to...
William for play-testing the game through it's laughingly-simple early
versions, and everyone else who relished showing up all the bugs which
became glaringly obvious as the game progressed.
Thanks, in almost chronological order,to Lucy H, Gordon, Ric, Martine,
Lucy U, Matthew, Alan, Richard, Alex B, Paul H, Jon, and Catherine.
Thanks also to Kate who's seen the game in action but hasn't played it
to this date, and to Owen who `STILL hasn't played Mayhem!'
Thanks to the person who wrote Amos, because without his creation I
would never have even considered writing MAYHEM.
Thanks to the preservers of my sanity, the maze designers...
3 - Nick Barlow
4 - William B's idea, although I wouldn't actually call it
5 - Ric and Alan Madrell
7 - Richard Langley
8 - Ric M.
9 - Ric M. and Gordon Millar
I chose the colours for most of them though. Go on, blame me.
Incidentally, you may wonder where Mayhem 1 is! Well, it DID exist,
and I was just about to save it off when the computer crashed and wiped
out the lot! So Mayhem 2 was born...
And Very Finally...
The Mayhem Maze Designer is currently underway, and should be finished
by the time you read this. If you fancy a copy, send me £2 sterling and
I'll send it you, along with a version of Mayhem with the load maze option
enabled. The Designer and future Mayhems will also be shoved into PD.
I would appreciate lots of ideas for Mayhem3. It will be the same
format game (ie 1 maze, 4 players, etc.) but I want ideas for additional
features. Has anyone got any ideas for different `styles' of games? eg a
`stopwatch' game - no exits, just the player with most objects after a
length of time wins.
Anyway, send me your ideas! You could gain fame and fortune if I use
your idea in the next version of what, I'm sure, will become the most pop-
ular game of all time!
My address is:-
Mark Green
GL52 6BE
Remember to get loads of your mates round, and have fun!!